Real Progress

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Well, things are starting to pick up and it looks like we might survive this project. Tile guys have come and done a masterful job. Got a few cleanup things still, but 90% done. We have walls and ceilings painted, short a little touch up, and the cabinets get installed on Thursday. We are having fun and my designer wife is doing a great job. Great grout choice!!!

Here are some pics. Pics above are the shower tile and floor tile.

New bay window.

Slate floor and wall in powder bath.

Window above the tub.


  1. Jen and Richard, I so miss talking with you and hope for a catch up soon. The space looks so incredible and a place that you two will certainly enjoy. Congrats on all the progress and can't wait to see pics after the cabinets arrive. Much love to you both. Aunt Cyn

  2. Lookin good! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  3. looks great! wow! and i love the windows, i cant wait to replace the windows here, but i would settle for counter tops at the moment

  4. Yay! It's so fun to see pics of tile & such rather than the framing or demo (sorry Richard - the demo was AWESOME).

  5. Looks great! It was fun seeing you both last week. Keep those mad softball skills!

  6. That looks gorgeous!!! I bet it is so rewarding to start and see it really come together and look "real". Great tile choices (like I am surprised about that with Jenn - such a fabulous designer)!

  7. so fun! keep the pics coming!

  8. Looks great! Cannot wait to see it when it is finished.

  9. Wow....that looks so good! I bet you are excited to get moved back in!

  10. It looks awesome! The tile you picked out if beautiful! I cannot wait to see the finished project!

  11. I just found your blog and I just wanted you to know that I am praying for both of you. Your strength in the Lord is such a testimony!

  12. This looks great. I know you will be thrilled when its finished. You will probably have lots of people wanting to come by to use it. LOL

  13. Wow, it looks amazing! I'm glad for your guys' sake that its almost done..i'm sure you can't wait to just sit back and enjoy it! That first candle lit bubble bath will be so worth it!! :)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. looks awesome! i am so thrilled for you! hope to see you soon!

  16. It looks big enough to have a Wii tournament in! Hint hint!


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