13 Months

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Time flies when you are having fun!!! And we are having FUN! Mia is just a happy spirit and she spreads that all around her. This month she became a little girl and not a baby anymore. It makes me a little sad, but we are enjoying each new phase so much. She is trying to learn to walk, but has gotten very confident in her crawling. She even mastered the stairs when I wasn't looking! Don't worry, there is a gate there now!

She knows so many words. I feel like we are talking to each other now, which so fun! Her latest words include: bite, juice, more, Max (dog we visited), hop-hop (her bunny), bible and book, please (sounds like peas), and thank you (sounds like da-du) just to name a few. Her new vocabulary has motivated to make the move from "my" milk to cow milk because she has starting pulling at my shirt and saying "juice" in public. SO embarrasing!!!

She has such a sweet heart, but is starting to test the boundaries a little. Richard and I pray to be loving and very intentional in all that we do to shape her heart. We are finding it so hard no to laugh when we try to discipine right now. Hopefully that will get better!

Enjoy the pics of our fun month.
Mia helping me bake in her adorable hat and apron from her Aunt Mandy.

Pushing her babies around in their stroller. She is getting really confident with this now.

Really enjoying her black beans and peas. Note to self: add table manners to the list of things to work on!

She has re-discovered her infant bouncer chair. She wants to sit in it to watch her praise baby videos. She barely fits, but really enjoys climbing in and out of it.

Splash park fun with play group. She loved it!!!
Mia and Camryn

The "after picture". She was worn out!

Gardening pictures. We had very happy begonias and day lilies this month. The lilies just make my heart happy!

We grew the cala lily! Can you believe it??? We planted it after Lilly's funeral and it finally bloomed this year. It is so pretty!
Mia and cousin Cason taking a dip in her frog pool.
He was splasing around, so she decided to be more of a side sitter. Such a girly girl!

Mia also had her first plane ride last week. We went to Nashville with our friends Jamie and her daughter Lainey to see our dear friend Lexi and her daughter Bella. It was tons of fun...pics to come shortly.
Happy 13 months sweet Mia girl. We love you so much!


  1. So sweet! Don't worry about the laughing during discipline, Cary and I did that for the longest time. You will know when it gets serious enough to stop.


  2. Love the baking pics!!! She already looks like a little baking pro!!!

  3. I cannot believe how big she is. Let's get together soon so we can see her and introduce little Beckham!

  4. That is hilarious about her pulling on your shirt! She is so cute. The lilies are beautiful.

  5. Ohhhh I miss her so much! And you too!! I love the bouncy seat pic - awesome. She is growing up so much, but she is still the sweet innocent one of the bunch! Hugs, J

  6. She is so cute. Love the chef hat! What a fun time this toddler stage. Your garden is so pretty. You sow well and look the Lord is blessing you in so many ways. I think that Calla Lilly bloomed at just the right time. God always knows when to bless us with beauty to nurture us with his grace. Have a wonderful day! ML


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