Dinosaur party for Egan. It was cute with an outdoor campfire, craft projects, and dinosaur shaped sandwiches.

Mia and Richard enjoying cheese puffs and dinosaur nuggets.

Egan's car party. It was set in a cute park. The kids made license plates and colored with care shaped crayons. Mia got to take home her own box car, but she would not be photographed int it!

Mia and Egan stroll in the Wagon at the car party.

Richard's birthday dinner at Benihana.

Mia enjoying a Sugar Queen cupcake. They are really good!

Group shot minus Mandy and Sam who had to sneak out a little early. The kids loved the cooking show. Quotes from Mia: as we were going to our table she shouts "It's party time!" and when the chef was flipping shrimp in his hat "I love it, I love it!". She is really enjoying birthday party season. Richard and Mia went on a date recently and when dessert arrived, she would not eat it until they sang Happy Birthday. Maybe we have overdone it! Her birthday is still two weeks away!

Church Easter Egg hunt. It was a rainy day, but we made do in doors. She is wearing a dress made by her Grancy. She is a very talented seamstress!

Mia and Piper enjoying their findings.

Playgroup shot at the Easter Egg Party.

Long awaited trip to Indianapolis to see my sister and her family. They have lived there for 4 months and it has been so hard to be so far away. They have moved into a beautiful home that my sister is making into their dream home and have settled into their new church and community. I saw my BIL lead worship for the first time and it made me cry. We are so proud of you Beau! Here is Mia and Bennett swinging at the neighborhood park.

Great family shot. This is just down the street from them...just beautiful!

Easter morning. Cason and Mia play at the train table.

Sweet cousins!

Mia and Mommy on Easter morning.

Bennett and Cason

We went to the amazing Children's museum there and they had an entire Dora exhibit. It was Mia's first celebrity sighting and she was elated! Boots and Dora both got multiple hugs and she ended with a group hug. Her little besties!

Diego and baby Jaguar were there too. Bennett actually laid a big kiss right on Diego. We think he gave her a respiratory virus! That is why we don't kiss boys Bennett!

Michelle and Cason on the carousel.

Richard and Mia.

I have to show off my latest organization project. With our growing family, we were in need a family calendar and I found this great one on Etsy. It just a decal that you stick to the back of the glass of a picture frame. We will be so organized now. I also have a random "green" cleaning tip. Wipe down your glass shower with a used dryer cloth, then squeagy. It removes all of the hard water spots. Amazing...no chemicals and recycling. Got to love it!
Precious update!!! Love you! Jamie