Tripp Ryan Thomas, 6/29/2011, 7 lbs 13 oz...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Baby Tripp made his entrance into this world a little earlier than planned. We had to do the c-section for several reasons including his large size, lots of amniotic fluid, lots of contractions, and risk of uterine rupture with 2 previous csections. He was born Wednesday night at 8:34. He came out screaming, music to our ears! We went to recovery and I got to cuddle with him, then things started to change. The nurse heard a gurgle in his breathing and he was wished away from us...

Tripp ended up in the NICU for having residual fluid in his lungs. The next 24 hours were really a blur. Richard came back and forth between the baby and I giving me updates and trying to make sure we were both doing okay. Tripp had a pretty steady decline in the beginning. they started with oxygen and by Thursday afternoon he was on a cpap machine to help him breathe and antibiotics to ward off infection. He has now stabilized and we are anxiously awaiting the upswing toward healing.

We have let go of expectations of him joining us in our room or going home when we do. We are both just clinging to the hope that he is going to fully recover from this and we will be a normal sleepless new baby family before too long!

God is in control and no one knows that better than Richard and I. Please pray for healing for baby Tripp and patience for Richard and as we embark on this long journey to get him healthy and home and incorporated into our family. Enjoy the pictures, he is a cutey!


Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. He is beautiful, has his mommy's beautiful lips! Love and lots of prayers. Lucy's excited to soon meet her boy BFF! She thinks he's cute!

  2. He's precious! So excited that he's here! Praying for him and for you guys too!

  3. He is adorable!! I especially love the picture of Tripp snuggling on your chest - you look gorgeous and he has the sweetest little face! We are praying for all of you as Tripp heals and you prepare for him to come home!

  4. He is adorable!! Can't wait to see more pics of that precious boy. Lots of prayers for all of you.

  5. what a sweet new baby! praying for healing and that you all get to go home soon!

  6. Those cheeks! What a cutie. Praying for your family.

  7. He is just perfect. Praying for you, friend! God knew all this before he came out, He's got this under control. There are many...many sleepless nights waiting for you :)

  8. Lots of prayers and hope headed your way...he is perfect...made by God. xoxo

  9. he is absolutely precious. Praying for your sweet little guy

  10. You don't know me but I stumbled upon your blog. I had identical twin girls at 35.5 weeks and they were wisked away to the NICU as well. I am praying for baby Tripp and you. I know how it feels to be in a seperate room from your baby and have to leave it at the hospital. Let me assure you that he is in the BEST hands and it was a blessing my girls were in the NICU. They only needed to be in high risk but there were no beds and we are thankful for the care they received. Thinking of you guys!


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