Lilly's 4th Birthday

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Big gulp and a baby girl should be 4 years old. I wish I was blowing up balloons and wrapping presents right now. Or writing a blog posts about her favorite things and latest accomplishments. I can't believe it has been four years since her birth. It went so quickly, but seems like a lifetime ago. We really are in such a good place right now. I feel abundantly blessed everyday. Mia and Tripp are such a joy and really make our lived complete. But there is not a day hour that goes by that I don't think about Lilly. I honestly hope that never changes. I want her memory to always be at the forefront of my thoughts.

Her life, while short, was not wasted. She was sent her by God for a purpose and while it took me some time to figure out what that was, I am now very clear on it. God gave us an amazing gift of a sweet baby girl. We loved her so much, but we also loved our careers, our things, and ourselves a lot. I hate to admit it, but we put all of those things ahead of what is most important...Jesus! We were not protecting our marriage and building into each other as we are called to do either. I believe with all of my heart that He called her home to draw me closer to Him  than I had ever been, closer to each other, and to share our story to draw others to Him. I know that He grieved with us and still does, just as any parent does when then they discipline their children. I also know it was done in love.

I am not at all today who I was four years ago, and I am grateful for it! Richard is forever changed as well. Mia and Tripp are our biggest priority. We have so much to teach them, but the most important thing is that they have a father in Heaven who loves them even more than we do. So much, that he gave up His son, so that we can all be together in eternity.

He wants nothing but the best for me and I had to have a big wake up call to get that message. God's plan really is perfect for his glory and happiness comes when we let go and surrender to that plan. He has great things in store for all of us! If you know Him, praise Him. If you don't know Him, let someone tell you more. He is a good God!

Happy Birthday precious Lilly! I love you so much and miss those beautiful blue eyes. Forever our angel!


  1. Happy Birthday, sweet Lilly.

    Jennifer & Richard, we love you guys and are so grateful that God fortified your marriage after losing Lilly. He is doing a great work in your lives and we are blessed to bear witness to it!

  2. Your Lilly taught me so much too. A reminder of what really matters and that this world is not our home. I cannot even begin to tell you how many times her sweet face has crossed my mind and taken me to a place of gratitude and trust. Watching you guys walk through this has impacted me and my own walk with the Father. Thank you for your testimony, your faith and for sharing your daughter with us.

  3. I still think of Lilly so often. We sing "This is My Father's World" to our boys as one of their goodnight songs, and I think of Lilly every time we sing the part--"the morning light, the Lilly white, declare their Maker's praise." Lilly's life truly declared her Maker's praise, and still does as you share your heart with us today on her 4th birthday, Happy Birthday Lilly!!!! God bless you Jennifer and Richard.

  4. Your story, your entire story, has been such a beautiful picture of the extravagant love of our Savior. Thank you for so faithfully sharing and for so faithfully loving and trusting our Father.

  5. This post made me all teary. I think about Lilly all the time. I love how positive you and Richard have stayed through all of this. I hug my babies a little bit tighter and treasure them a little bit more because of her.

  6. I have followed your blog for many years- I originally found it on the tiny handprints site. Our Lila grace was born in November of 2007 also and would have been four on the 7th. When I remember my Lila, I think of your Lilly and often wonder if they have met in Heaven.
    I am so thankful to see that God has done such an amazing work in your marriage, we feel exactly the same about ours- that God allowed these things to happen because he loves us and wanted us to one day be on the right path toward Him.

    Praying for your family continually and remembering your little ones impact daily.

    Love- the Bower family
    Josh, Carrie, Maddie and Jude


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