Mia is 3!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Our precious girl turned 3 last week. THREE!!! There is nothing more amazing as a parent than to watch your children grow. They are constantly learning, absorbing, and changing. Seeing them discover the world is such a gift! 
 Here is a rundown of Mia at three years old. Her favorites things include: Dora, Disney Princesses, and her pink minky dot blanket. She sleeps with a stuffed animal every night, but it changes every few weeks on which one she prefers. She loves cereal for breakfast and asks for it by singing "CEREAAAL" Madonna Material girl style. She loves juice and "spicy" drinks (Sprite), but only gets them on special occasions. She loves all kinds of foods and will try anything. She always has room for sweets! She loves to dance, watch movies, and play with bubbles. She won't go anywhere without a bow in her hair. She loves to wear dresses and the "spinnier" the better. Mia loves Jesus and wants to read about him in her various books. She is not a thrill seeker, but has started to find joy in small adventures. It is so fun to share in those moments with her!
Her personality is somewhere between extrovert and introvert. She is reluctant with total strangers, but can turn on the silly or charm pretty quickly. She loves to be silly!

 Mia is amazing with her little brother. Attentive and kind most of the time. A little bossy though (I have no idea where she gets that either! ;) She LOVES her friends. She can't wait to see them and often announces to me who is coming over to play with her. I worry about the day she learns to text!

 I think she is pretty smart, but doesn't every parent think that about their kids??? She loves to learn and master new skills. Her scripture memory is incredible. She is creative and artsy and may never desire to color in the lines on a picture. I love that about her! She is left handed too, which is a new world to us. She and I spend at least 30 minutes everyday with dedicated "school" time. She also plays on the computer or ipad some for learning. She plays by herself for 1 hour everyday and has grown to really want that time.
 Mia loves to run errands with me too. She prefers kid music on and her window down! Her current playlist is mainly children's sunday school songs. When she hears a beat she likes, she will start dancing and yell "Mom, this is my song!" no matter where we are! Seriously...subway, Nike store. Where will Mia's flash dance strike next??? When we arrive where we are going she has started singing, "Looks Like We Made It" Manilow style. She picked that up from her dad.
Mia, words can't express how much we love you! You are such a gift to us well beyond just our second daughter. You have filled our hearts with joy and laughter that we never thought possible. We love your spunk and spirit and know God will use it in amazing ways! I pray that you continue to grow into a confident young woman who seeks after God in all things and stays above needing the approval of man for all of your life. I pray that you use your gifts to love people well. God bless you and keep you safe, Amen.

Happy third birthday sweet girl!


1 comment

  1. Love you sweet Mia Claire! Happy 3rd birthday!!


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