My precious little guy is one! What a whirlwind year. I think they saying fits "where a day feels like a lifetime and a year feels like a blink" pretty much sums it up! We are so in love with this little guy and are so excited for year #2. Here is what he is up to these days:

1. Eating - He LOVES meat, really of any kind. He prefers to feed himself over me doing it and does a pretty good job at it. It eats slow with pretty good manners most of the time. He loves any kids of cracker, but goes crazy for graham crackers! He loves milk and juice. He is not crazy about eating veges or fruit in solid form, he still prefers purees. He will be off formula and bottles in the next few weeks and I am SO happy for that! He is 20 pounds and in the 20% percentile.

2. Sleeping - Tripp takes 2-3 naps a day still and will sleep a total of 4-5 hours for naps and 12 hours at night. It was a long time coming, but we are in the sweet spot of sleep right now. He is not any where near ready to drop his morning nap and his momma is great with that!

3. Activity - He is crawling and getting around pretty good. He can pull up and walk with 2 handed support, but it will probably be a few more months before he is walking. He still has tiny feet and I can't help but think that plays a role.

4. Talking - Tripp says Dada, Dog, Momma, cracker, all-done, thank you. It is not perfectly clear, but he communicates really well what he wants. He will be a talker just like his Dad, Mom, and Sister!

5. The cute things - He gives you pats on the back to show affection and thinks kisses are when you touch forheads. He has started putting his hands on both of his cheeks when he is surprised and loves to make funny noises with his mouth. He loves to make "elephant" sounds and will do it on queue a lot! He has the best smile. Huge smile, lots of teeth, two dimples...who can resist that!

Your Mommy and Daddy are just smitten with you! We love your sweet disposition and the way you will make someones day with a smile. The next year is going to be so fun! Our prayer for you is that you continue to grow strong and healthy. That you continue to show love to everyone you meet and become the tender warrior that God call you to be.
Mom and Dad
Happy Birthday Tripp!!
ReplyDeleteMy 'baby' is 3 today. It is just amazing! Happy birthday, Tripp!