1. Hawaii lesson week was a bust! 2 sick kids, an injured husband (tried to be Rocky at bootcamp), and a tired Momma were all too blame. We will revisit it later this summer. The kids have "MDO" this week, and I am really excited about it. It will be Tripp's first time, but I convinced them to keep him in the baby room, so I have a little more peace about it. While they are at school, my house is getting cleaned because my husband is SO sweet, and I will be getting a Starbucks and pedicure. Come on Wednesday!
We did story time and Barnes and Noble instead of Hawaii activities. They seemed okay with that! |
2. My baby turns 1 this week!!! I just can't believe it. I feel sad and excited all at the same time. He is just adorable right now and learning new things everyday. We took a few pictures of him this weekend, here is just a little taste. Full stats and pics will come on his birthday. I can't wait to celebrate him...which brings me to point 3.
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Tripp 1 year photos. |
Sneak peak at the party favors. |
4. I got to spend some good quality time with my beautiful niece Ava. She is the calmest, sweetest baby I have ever been around. When she learns to talk, I know it will be a faint whisper voice. My kids can overwhelm her very quickly. We took a few pictures for her 6 month birthday!

5. I am the WORST cell phone person EVER! Okay here is my rundown over the last few years.
- neighbor finds my phone randomly ringing in our front yard, so he brings it to our front door. He was laughing pretty good.
- work phone lost while in Chicago. Security alert, big deal...in the back seat of the car the whole time
- same work phone rode on the roof of our car down Spring Valley where it eventually tumbled off. It totally survived BTW!
- baby takes iphone and heaves it at the ground. I now can only talk on speaker or with a headset
- last but not least...dropped my phone in a parking lot this weekend without knowing it. Man finds it, texts a friend of mine, we finally get a hold of him and he has taken the phone 1 hour away. Sweet husband goes to retrieve phone after shutting everything down and changing all passwords. Sorry Honey. Love you!
See what I mean. The WORST! Maybe someday it will get better. Richard says I have to start wearing a belt clip with it. :).
6. Prayers needed for my BIL, Beau, and his family. His older brother, Jason, has been diagnosed with cancer and has been sent to Mayo Clinic. They need to be covered in prayer right now.
7. We are about to leave for vacation at my parent's place on the Tablerock Lake in Missouri. The cousins will be there and it will be such a party. Mia has been talking about it a lot. She says, "when we go the river..." I don't have any idea where that came from, but we are going with it!
We had a great and relaxing family centered weekend. Movies, popcorn, of course donuts, cooking out...the very best of summer! I hope you all did too!
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