Home Management

Friday, July 27, 2012

Does anyone really just love keeping house? There may be a rare bunch of you out there, but I would wager that most of us don't love it! We may say we don't have time to...make the beds, clean the toilet, keep up with the laundry...you fill in the blank. Deep down though, it may be more of an issue with the "want to" of it. I know it is for me anyway!

A favorite quote around our house: 
Jennifer "I want you to WANT to do the dishes." 
Vince "Nobody WANTS to do the dishes."   From The Break-Up.

I was spurred on to share how I manage our home after reading Finding Joy's post on "Dear Mom's with a Messy House." She encourages Mom's to share what works and to work together on good systems. So here I am sharing what works for me. I have tried so many different methods for managing my house. From Flylady to many other tips and tricks. I have learned a lot from all of them, but the main thing I have learned is you have to do what works for you! 

Before I get started on the cleaning tips, it is important to know how I structure my day to fit in the cleaning.
1. In addition to naps, my kids play by themselves for 45 minutes everyday.
2. I have my own chore chart that I refer to regularly for what to do next.
3. Perfection is not my goal. My home is lived in and I want it to look that way. I just don't want to feel grossed out or overwhelmed by its condition. Somewhere between perfect and gross!

Daily Chores List:
- Quiet time/workout - Sometimes I do both of these together, sometimes one or the other.
- One Load of Laundry everyday.
- 15 minutes of pick-up/declutter everyday
- 15 minutes of cleaning everyday (see list below)
- 30 minutes of work (for me that is design projects, usually during naptime)

The Cleaning Schedule:
- Sunday - Manage the garbage (Trash pick up is Monday)
- Monday - Vacuum (My pick up time is focused on the floor, so I can actually vacuum)
- Tuesday - Dust (Pick up the horizontal surfaces during pick up time)
- Wednesday - Bathrooms - I spread out the projects for what really needs to get cleaned
- Thursday - Kitchen - General good wipe down and then an extra project if I have time.
- Friday - Car and bag clean out - Easy day if I will keep up with it!
- Saturday - Change sheets and clean up outside
...then get excited because it is time to do it all again!

So that is my current system. It might change when fall activities resume, but I really feel like it is good and manageable right now. Try it for a week and see if you don't feel so much better about your house. I know I am a better momma when I don't feel overwhelmed or bitter about the condition of our home. Having a system also allows for guilt free breaks to blog, read, or just SIT!

Anyone else have a system they want to share...I would love to hear! Now I have to go teach Mia the finer points of car washing. (Shameless, I know). Happy Friday!



  1. i really like the way you broke this down. i am definitely trying it starting next week because i need HELP!!

  2. like the daily chore chart idea. things that have worked for me from flylady are going to bed with a "shiney sink"aka clean kitchen, taking a couple of minutes before bed to hit the "hot spots" and doing one load of laundry per day.

    1. I would love a shiny sink each night, but I run out of steam after the kids are down. I had to let that go!


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