3/4 year resolutions anyone?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Now that fall is upon us and routine is returning, I feel like it is time to re-commit to some things. Anyone else feel this way? Summer, while lovely, has no routine or structure really. Life kind of gets put on hold until fall. So instead of New Year Resolutions...I am setting some NOW! Maybe this way I won't have to start fresh in January again! (Who I am kidding though...I will definitely fall off the wagon before then.) Anyway...I think it is to start fresh and have some positive thinking. I think I can, I think I can, I think can. Feeling motivated yet? Here is my list:

1. Get back on my stinkin' home routine. I know it is easy and that if I will just stick with it, then my home won't unravel. As I sit here now, I just don't want to dust this Tuesday! Can anyone empathize? Well I am going to get back on it...starting tomorrow!

2. Get back to the gym. My visits have been sporadic all summer. With traveling and unpredictable schedules, I have not made it enough of a priority. We aren't having anymore babies either, so it is time to lose ALL of the baby weight. I think I have hung on to last of it for 5 years now...long enough. So, back to the gym!

3. Read ALL of the bible. With Mia in school more and Tripp still taking several naps a day, I did not sign up for a bible study this year. In lieu of a structured study, I am reading the bible all the way through in 1 year in chronological order. I am using Net Bible App and have really loved it so far! Only 340 more days to go!

4. Be a more intentional friend. God has surrounded me with amazing friends. They continually show love, care, and concern for me and my family. I don't feel like I do it as well. I can tend to hide behind this blog and let it serve as my catch up/relational time. What I really need to do is pick up the phone and engage in the important people in my life. I am trying to start with one a day, and my hope would be that it will become something much more natural to me very soon.

So there is my list. Anyone one else want to put their fall goals out there for everyone else to see??? I would love to hear them them. We can all hold each other accountable! I will try to give periodic status updates too. 

Here is to a beautiful fall!


  1. Your #1 is my biggest problem. Our cleaning lady comes tomorrow and our house is a disaster. I swear a few days ago, it didn't look this bad. No clue what happened. A few things pile up and then somehow it's a disaster. I really want to be more dedicated to spending 15 minutes every evening picking up!

    1. Thanks for sharing! Today is my day to start...good luck!


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