I had a rule of holding off any fall decor or food until 10/1...So drum roll...it is now officially fall at our house! Pumpkin spice creamer, pumpkin muffins, and well, pumpkins, have found their way into our home. Mia has become of aware of the "creepy" Halloween stuff and it NOT a fan at all, so our decor is just fall. Nothing creepy here!
I like it. Simple, but still warm. I can get claustrophobic during the holidays with all of the extra "stuff" around. I think I can live with this for a few months though.
Happy Fall Ya'll! Do you decorate for the seasons? Have you started yet?

My mom decorates for every holiday. I focus on just a few. I keep meaning to pull out all my fall stuff, but I just don't have the energy it seems! Maybe decorating 2 rooms is keeping me a smidge busy right now!