Friday Insta Updates!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Here is what we have been up to lately!

My and my sweet boy! Love those squishy cheeks!

Mia got a new rug in her room. It is from Rug USA and I am SO pleased with it!  I am working on a few other updates in her room over the next few weeks too. A room is never finished...not in this house anyway!

Mia got a bike for Christmas from her grandparents. I was not sure how she would feel about it,  but she really loves it. She looks pretty stinkin' cute in a helmet too!
My little guy is getting so big. Not a baby anymore. He loves to be outside, so we take every advantage on the warm afternoons!

Practicing our best pouty lips! 

Mia having some sweet snuggle time with her Great Grandma Liz. She visited this week and it was so nice to get some time alone with her!

New project time! We tried to start stripping the banister this weekend. I know there is pretty wood under there somewhere. Round one went to the banister, but I won't give up!
We are back at Ballet and Mia is loving it!

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This is poor Tripp at Ballet. I locked him in with an arm chair, gave him snacks and started a movie. If that doesn't keep him still, I give up!

Having an afternoon tea party set by Mia. Cheetos and wheat thins for our classy snack :).

This may be the hardest I have laughed in a long time. Tripp was pulling his hat over his face and trying to walk around. He kept running into the furniture. We probably should have stopped him, but we couldn't because we were laughing too hard. "Tripp for President!"
Happy Friday everyone! I am heading out on a weekend getaway with my playgroup Mommas. I am super excited!!! What do you have planned?


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