Tripp - 20 months old and lots of cute!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Our little man is 20 months old. My crush continues to get worse..I am going to need help! Sometimes I am just powerless against those baby blues!
He loves all things trucks and cars. Lightning McQueen and Mater are his current heroes. He takes 1 nap a day between 2 and 3 hours. He is pretty sweet even if he hasn't had a good nap (unlike someone else I won't mention) and I am grateful for that!
He is still a picky eater, but has recently got his appetite back. I think his hunger is pushing him to try new things finally. His food allergies are well controlled, but it is very evident if he eats something in the gray area...his skin break outs for a few days. I think he will be retested at 2 years old to see if things have changed. He officially has asthma, but his new control medications seem to be doing a great job! His eczema continues to be a struggle, so I am guessing we still have some unidentified allergens. Either food or environmental...not sure yet!
He is so affectionate with his family and he is really trying to control his toddler tantrums. He is talking like crazy and it keeps us in stitches most of the time! Sometimes it makes sense and sometimes we have NO idea!
I am thinking we should have named him Sampson because he is a constant haircut! He has SO MUCH HAIR! As luck would have it, he does not like getting his hair cut either. I think we will stick with longer locks for awhile until he is more patient in the chair.
He is still home with me all of the time or with his amazing babysitter. I have enrolled him in preschool in the fall (sniff :(  ) but I think he will LOVE it.
Tripp, I love you more than I ever knew possible! You are not tea parties and baby dolls like your sister, but I love playing cars and trains more than I ever thought I would. I can't wait to see what God is going to do with your amazing little spirit.
Happy 20 months baby boy!

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