It has been awhile since I have written a funny Friday post, but this week is one for the record books! All it takes is an InstaUpdate to see what I mean!
Lost little man and ballet class....this is where I found him! My sister asked, "What did you do!" I replied, "Took a picture of course!" I was giggling too much to get that mad. Hopefully it was an isolated incident :). |
Then my adorable little puppy brought me this! She was shaking it in her head and just came bounding into the house with it. I was not sure what my threshold for yucky was as a Mom...but this was it! So creeped out! |
It rained all day on Mia's birthday but she was determined to play with her new trampoline. This was her solution. Sun hat, bathing suit, and rain boots! Silly girl! Her brother eventually joined her and they had so much fun jumping in the rain! |
Not pictured, but worth noting. Our silly puppy went sticking her nose where it does not belong (in a fire ant mound) yesterday morning. She was running around going crazy and whining. We we finally got to pick her up, we noticed her face was swelling up SO big! Quick trip to the vet for benadryl and steroids and she is much better now! Seems like we might have another allergy situation on our hands! of course our puppy would have allergies!
Whew! What a week! It was fun, crazy, and had no shortage of laughs!
Here's to a great (and hopefully uneventful) weekend!
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